Batch #15 – One Pound of Hops DIPA



Date Brew:3/4/2014 Rack:3/24/2014 Bottle:3/30/2014
Days 0 20 28


Brewing Classic Styles, Hop Hammer, modified for partial boil.


Put together a super hop powered alcohol rocket! Try for something like a pliny or Heady Topper. Moderate bitterness, very low sweetness and body, and a pop of fresh hop character from aggressive dry-hopping.

Brew Notes:

This was the half dme / 3 gal h2o / full hops brew as explained in the book. No boilovers. We didn’t have/use a frozen gallon so cool down was slow. 0.25 oz of one hop (maybe centennial) wasn’t added at ko because I didn’t want to leave a packet 3/4 full and open until dry hopping. The dry hop will be big! remember to boil the dry hop bag. Fermented in 6-gallon plastic bucket. Most whirlpool hops (all but 1oz) were put in a mesh grain bag. Boil hops were bagged as well and strained out. Measured gravity 3/24 = 1.018 during racking to 5gal carboy. RD would like to boil, dechlorinate and add roughly a gallon of water to the bottling bucket in order to bring the 3.75 gals of 9.8% beer up to 5 gallons of 7.37% beer. Still strong, but more drinkable.

Recipe 1.088 1.015 9.56%
Recorded 1.094 1.019 7.37% (9.8% before diluting)

Fermentation notes:

At racking it tasted DAMN good. Pretty strongly bitter, and quite a bit of hops aroma and flavor. The dry hop will bump that up quite a bit.

Bottling notes:

At bottling it tasted more muddled, dull, lifeless to ross. After 1 week in bottles it recovered and was much better, yet still not fully carbonated. 4/24 – still not fully carbed, but nice hoppiness and tastes great.


Bottled with green caps and “14” in sharpie (because that’s the beer’s name, or possibly we just screwed up.)

Tasting notes:

After sitting this beer is exactly what we hoped it would be. Super hoppy, with a good kick in the ass.


This turned out great! I do not regret diluting it down to (only) 7.37% one bit. It still has a ton of flavor (287 IBU), without supergluing you to your couch. The only bad thing about this recipe is the cost. If we re-brew, definitely look into online ordering for the hops. Hop cost was more than half of the total bill, and was over $50 if I recall correctly.

Update: BOTTLE BOMB!! 5-15-14
Last night my wife woke up to a strange sound, and saw a trickle of beer flowing out into the hallway. One bomber from this batch got a bit too much pressure. I’m unsure if it was a bad fill or a bad bottle. It’s been in the bottle for around a month and a half now. The broken edge of the glass looks somewhat suspicious, because it has some very thick and very thin spots. I’m hoping it’s just a bad bottle but I’ll keep an eye on the others. I guess it’s just one more reason to switch to kegging!

One other theory on this explosion is: perhaps the yeast was slowed down / hampered during secondary by the high abv. Then when we diluted it at bottling it would have ended up with too much available sugar.